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Significados de churn sea em inglês
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Uso de churn sea em inglês
The pool was half full, a churningsea of warm white bubbles.
They found it a churningsea of citizenry and Reform soldiers.
Beyond that was a void: ten stories of empty air and then rocks and churningsea.
For Langdon, the code felt like familiar ground- asafeharbor from this strange and churningsea.
A churningsea of faces all turned expectantly to the Town Car as it pulled up in front of the theater.
Early on Thursday, the 22nd, the lumpy, churningsea began to subside, and the invisible balm seduced all the sufferers to the quarter-deck.
Marcus was watching a Gear's hand being swallowed into a slow- churningsea of cement, blaming himself for not being able to save the world.
In the brightening, deep blue haze he saw two dark shadows following one behind the other, like sharks prowling the shallows of a storm- churnedsea.
"Shouldn't we watch the platforms down here as well?" Bort glanced nervously at the slow- churningsea of humanity clustered around the incoming trains.
"There's nothing between us and America from here," he called, "except that churningsea." She didn't know why she found this thought so exciting.