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Significados de circumscription em inglês
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Uso de circumscription em inglês
They were sensible that this province admitted not of any exact boundary or circumscription.
Morphological characters traditionally used in the circumscription of Trichophoreae genera are shown to be homoplasious.
From what's beyond the flat, the garden, and from this sudden circumscription to those bounds.
Organization connotes mutual interdependence of the component parts, limitation of individualism, the circumscription of personal liberty.
But we need, in fact, seek no reason other than the circumscription of Ronsard's poetical gifts.
The most inconvenient circumscription was the inability of one person to visit the same past moment twice.
The Marquesan, it will be observed, adheres to the old idea of the local circumscription of beliefs and duties.
Thus they grow sore with the thought of their weakness, and a sense of the circumscription of their faculties.
The guests were generally the notabilities of the small towns and villages of his circumscription,-mayors ,farmers ,andsmall landowners.
The department is within the judicial circumscription of the appeal court of Lyons and the educational circumscription (academie) of Lyons.
We received a letter from them to-day sealed with the King's arms, with the circumscription 'Periclitante Regno, Regis vita et Regia familia.
And the learned gentleman pathetically laments that the profits of this genteel traffic will be greatly lessened by the circumscription of slavery!
Its circumscription has long been the subject of debate and available molecular phylogenetic analyses affirmed the polyphyly of Scorzonera in its wide sense.
But the ambition of Dupleix was not a thing to be bounded by the circumscription of war or peace between England and France.
The desire by some, by any, means to mitigate the woeful circumscription of liberty and opportunity which it inflicted, wrought upon her almost painfully.
If there is a type of Echinoderms characteristic of a geological period, it is the genus Micraster of the cretaceous formation, in its original circumscription.