Examples for "chloride"
Examples for "chloride"
1Gadolinium thus may work to open the alternate chloride channel in CF.
2Precisely the same can be done in the electrolysis of potassium chloride.
3Whole-cell patch clamp experiments revealed a calcium sensitive, time independent chloride current.
4The use of chloride of zinc is practically essential in this case.
5Aluminium bromide, AlBr3, is prepared in the same manner as the chloride.
1Alterations in the CFTCR gene result in deranged sodium and chloride ion transport channels.
2The chloride ion transport properties of the cells were determined by 36Cl efflux studies.
3The intrinsic mutagenicity of SMF was enhanced by addition of extra chloride ion to the assay medium.
4Anions such as the chloride ion yield chlorine atoms, from which gaseous chlorine molecules are formed and escape.
5The chloride ion was found to stimulate the glutamine-dependent and glutaminase reactions, but the ammonia-dependent reaction was inhibited.
1Chronic intraperitoneal CL-316243 treatment of MKR mice reduced blood glucose and serum insulin levels.