Surface on which tennis is played.
Examples for "clay"
Examples for "clay"
1Environment served to model the clay, to give it a particular form.
2However, although a trickster, Raven also created humanity from wood and clay.
3They were among the best clay work we have seen in China.
4Even so God hid the diamond deep down in miles of clay.
5The feet of clay after all are the swiftest in the race.
1The controversial, blue clay surface, however, did not seem to be a problem for Williams.
2We continued over a firm clay surface on the same bearing until we came on the Darling.
3The relatively large K+ counterions show more affinity for clay surface adsorption, which increases the free-energy barrier and inhibits swelling.
4The road along which it traveled was no longer a deeply scarred trail, rutted through its clay surface by the hauling of lumber.
5It was the clay surface that first gave her a tingling feeling; then a sense of intensity seemed to flow out of the rock wall.
6The Dubliner was outclassed on the slow clay surface of court 10 by his Russian opponent Andrei Cherkasov, ranked 140 in the world.
7During what is typically a hardcourt period of the calendar, players will also be left with minimal preparation time on the slower clay surfaces.
Translations for clay surface