Ainda não temos significados para "clear grit".
1There ain't an inch of him that ain't clear grit through and through.
2The fellow was clear grit all through.
3No man of average intelligence needs to suffer in our country if he has clear grit in him.
4He wasn't exactly the clear grit.
5She was clear grit, you bet!
6Now if you've got plenty of clear grit-Leetledisposed to show the white feather though, to-night, ain't yer?
7The raccoon is clear grit.
8Celia's clear grit, that's sure.
9He had clear grit, Eliphalet had-hewas half Scotch and half Yankee, and neither breed turns tail in a hurry.
11Clouds of clear grit drifted into open casements on every passing breeze, or, if a gale arose, were driven through every crevice.
12I grappled him-hewas clear grit and would have gone down with me, but I couldn't let him die too-havin' so to speak no cause.
13Endurance Test; or, How Clear Grit Won the Day
15"By Jove, but you're clear grit, Miss Huston!"
16" Clear grit" brightens more crystalline, the more it is rained upon; sham grit dissolves into mud and water.
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