Ainda não temos significados para "clerical celibacy".
1AS clerical celibacy an appropriate way of being a man?
2For him, as indeed for most of the other reformers, clerical celibacy was the great stumbling block.
3Leaving aside the inevitable arguments about clerical celibacy and chastity, there remains the basic matter of unprofessional conduct.
4She said clerical celibacy was implemented by the Catholic Church during the Middle Ages for the benefit of the church.
5Of these, two concerned such important matters as the doctrine of the procession of the Holy Ghost and the practice of clerical celibacy.
6The effect of trying to make you young men accept mediævalism, like clerical celibacy, is in the end to make you doubt everything.
7On his side Royas was inclined to yield a good deal in regard to clerical celibacy and the authority of secular princes in ecclesiastical affairs.
8Sir - What a breath of fresh air is the opinion of the "three ageing priests" (June 28th) in the ongoing debate on clerical celibacy.
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