Iran and North Korea were particularly difficult intelligence targets because of their closedsocieties.
Clearly, the Information Highway is crossing all sovereign borders and penetrating even the most closedsocieties.
The inequities and benefits in closedsocieties are becoming known to both the public as well as the bosses.
Like Popper before him, Soros considered the countries of communist eastern Europe to be the ultimate models of closedsocieties.
Instead, "as actual conditions change", people in closedsocieties were forced to abide by an atavistic ideology that was increasingly unpersuasive.
Although North Korea is one of the world's most closedsocieties, U.N. agencies had had no problems from authorities in visiting affected areas, Wahlstrom said.
According to Soros, the dogmatic mode of thinking that characterised closedsocieties made it impossible for them to accommodate to the changing vicissitudes of history.
Very few manage to get under the skin of the place -hardly surprising given it remains one of the most closedsocieties on earth.