A state of extreme happiness.
Examples for "bliss"
Examples for "bliss"
1The virtuous rests in bliss in this world and in the next.
2The virtuous rest in bliss in this world and in the next.
3Come home to a pain so great that it is bliss itself.
4Mostly, I doze; it seems years since the bliss of actual sleep.
5If slain in the battle, thou shalt reach endless bliss in heaven.
1Joy be to thee, and blissfulness to them that inhabit thee.
2And yet, why all this blissfulness, so near and so unattainable?
3The rest is known to thee, O my fountain of blissfulness!
4Graye did a thing the blissfulness of which was only eclipsed by its hazardousness.
5But the serene blissfulness of the first days of their liaison was of short duration.
1She answered yes, and I was in the seventh heaven of delight.
2The intimate tone of her words ravished me into the seventh heaven.
3Jimmie was now in the seventh heaven, walking as if on air.
4Lieutenant Smith-Oldwick, on his part, was in the seventh heaven of elation.
5But Lady Arabella's dreams flew away at once into the seventh heaven.
1I was really very honored; I mean, I was walking on air.
2And when you experience that kind of transformation, you're walking on air.
3It's like you're walking on air or tunnelling underground like a badger.
4Bayse is answering, politely, frankly, fully, like a man walking on air.
5Celtic, still walking on air from last night, could hardy draw breath.
1I was flying on cloud nine after dominating the sport all year.
2Fresh from a successful blind date, Ed Stavers was on cloud nine.
3I was still on cloud nine from my visit to the Nelsons.
4You've gained your points and a college place and you're on cloud nine.
5Perhaps she was still on cloud nine before she took on this 5K?
6One of them put me on cloud nine for a while.
7Ever since he met you, he's been on cloud nine.
8I was stoked; on cloud nine. Riptide by numbers No.
9He's on cloud nine because he's nice like that.
10Both mum and baby are doing amazing and we are on cloud nine over here.
11You go from being on cloud nine to wanting to dig a hole for yourself.
12I returned to work on cloud nine.
13I'm still on cloud nine and I guess I'll be up there for a couple of weeks.
14I thought you'd be on cloud nine.
15But when Ciarran scores tonight's private date, the news knocks Jamie off cloud nine like a rogue blimp.
Translations for cloud nine