Autonomous association of persons or organizations.
Type of legal entity in Switzerland.
Type of legal entity in Finland.
1The coöperative conduct of industry is of increasing importance of late years.
2Fortunately, it is not too late to rebuild it through coöperative effort.
3In Ireland the coöperative creameries produce about half the butter exported.
4Encouragement by the Board of Agriculture of coöperative societies of farmers-
5The women were not as coöperative as she had expected them to be.
6The housekeeper of to-day is only in spots coöperative; her social sense is undeveloped.
7The consumptive was telling the banker about the new coöperative scheme in Barre, Vermont.
8The leaders of the coöperative movement could not act with such rapidity and precision.
9Their capacity for coöperation is seen in their establishment of their own coöperative stores.
10Machinery logically and irrevocably involves the coöperative action of individuals.
11They wound up as good Indians, peaceful, coöperative and intelligent members of the Council.
12Pelle told him about his great plan for coöperative works.
13The sand-box, in which of course all children delight, lends itself especially to coöperative exercises.
14The coöperative marketing of farm produce, also has the effect of reducing the number of middlemen.
15He had arranged matters on the coöperative system, and had knitted the country into supply associations.
16Sewall, being a strong individualist, was more than dubious concerning the practicality of the coöperative round-up.
Translations for coöperative