He talks a lot about the notion of cognitiveoverload.
It is less likely to cause cognitiveoverload to the user, based on my studies.
What is, if there is anything that one can generalize about this idea of cognitiveoverload.
Background: Complex electronic medical records (EMRs) presenting large amounts of data create risks of cognitiveoverload.
If it was already arousing, tabloid storytelling appeared to produce a cognitiveoverload that actually prevented stories from sinking in.
And with the universal learner we'll develop in this book as the conceptual model, we can do all this without cognitiveoverload.
He also found that participants working with overlapping windows were substantially more likely to experience cognitiveoverload than those working with tiled windows.
Cognitiveoverload Lecturers load up talks with too much detail, with the result that students cannot process all the information properly.