Incorrectly automated bounce messages sent by mail servers, typically as a side effect of incoming spam.
Examples for "blowback"
Examples for "blowback"
1Saudi Arabia is increasingly feeling the heat of the Sunni hardline blowback.
2Honor your strength and dig in your heels to weather any blowback.
3So here I am implementing those things and it's a blowback, he said.
4The blowback from President Obama's interactive town hall has been intense and widespread.
5I was choking on its blowback so I closed my mouth.
1Neither emulsion manifested significant ultrasonic backscatter until avidin was added.
2So backscatter systems are very good at imaging organic material -much better than dual-energysystems.
3Conclusion: OCT can effectively differentiate normal cortex from intracortical melanoma based on variations in optical backscatter.
4Things dense enough to hopefully block the infrared and backscatter and heartbeat sensors Star Helix carried.
5Changes in optical backscatter intensity were used to identify regions of tumor and to locate tumor margins.