A collectivecontract expired in 2013 and dozens of union members have refused to sign individual contracts.
The port's decisive action to make almost 300 workers redundant, comes after months of stalled talks on a collectivecontract.
Once the practice of collectivecontract was fixed, it naturally followed that some mechanism for adjusting differences would be devised.
A proposal to allow the State Services Commission to approve conditions of employment outside a collectivecontract is also included in the bill.
Talks on a collectivecontract broke down in 2011, leading to strikes, lock-out notices, court action, privacy complaints and threats of mass redundancies.
Some staff of the hardware chain Bunnings Warehouse have walked off the job, in protest at the terms of a draft collectivecontract.
It said the collectivecontract also guaranteed staff a minimum pay rise of 4 percent this year, and 2 percent next year.
The Ministry of Education is negotiating with the teachers' unions over the new roles being added to their collectivecontracts.
Five years after the passing of the Employment Contracts Act union membership had halved and multi-employer collectivecontracts covered only a small minority of workers.