Expert who is hired to teach on a full or parttime basis.
1Meanwhile, college teachers are increasingly likely to live from contract to low-paid contract.
2I always thought those college teachers was sissies, but that man sure ain't.
3All my life I've watched the college teachers in town and they all seemed like they came from another world.
4Why, you got no idea, there's some preachers that are Reds, and some college teachers, and some rich men like yourself.
5Most college teachers merely take pride in their subject and are eager to convey it, then go home for dinner and unrelated diversions.
6How are college teachers supposed to confidently court controversy when so many of them have zero security in jobs that barely pay above poverty wages?
7Wellington College teachers Bernice Jutson, Beverley Holder, and Kelvin Wang said teachers' pay and workloads needed to improve.
8With thanks to Pafelio Momoiseā, St Paul's College teachers and parents and the St Paul's Samoan Group 2018.
9"She" in this case represents high-school and college teachers even more than those in the grades.
Translations for college teachers