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Significados de compared health em inglês
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Uso de compared health em inglês
The study comparedhealth equity in New Zealand and the United States, stating that both countries had poor health equity.
But the prime minister comparedhealth services in England, run by the coalition, and the record of Labour-run services in Wales.
It comparedhealth outcomes between people in different socio-economic groups as well as those living in different geographic area of the State.
A 2004 article in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) comparedhealth outcomes to a "freedom index" calculated by an independent watchdog.
Objectives: This study comparedhealth service use and satisfaction with health care among older adults living in urban vs rural counties in North Carolina.
Hussey and his colleagues analyzed results from 61 studies that comparedhealth care spending with outcomes on both small, hospital-wide scales and broader state-wide levels.