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Significados de complete elimination em inglês
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Uso de complete elimination em inglês
The children then had a week's completeelimination of artificial colorings and benzoate preservatives.
The completeelimination of another sentient species from the universe.
Therefore, an updated approach in which modulation, rather than completeelimination of microglia is necessary.
Furthermore, treatments for chronic infection are suboptimal and rarely result in completeelimination of the virus.
Ortagus said Washington's goal remained the completeelimination of all of North Korea's weapons of mass destruction.
Conclusions: Selective digestive decontamination reduces the gut content of enterobacteria, with completeelimination after 3 days of treatment.
Only animals that received both vancomycin powder and systemic vancomycin showed evidence of completeelimination of bacterial contamination.
He will have to be carefully watched, and will probably get to the stage where completeelimination is demanded.
In the case of intermediate-range nuclear forces, we have proposed the completeelimination of the entire class of land-based missiles.
Due to its multiple functions, completeelimination of XPG in mice results in severe postnatal growth defects and premature death.
Mr Rouhani said: "The indefinite possession of nuclear weapons cannot be tolerated nor can their completeelimination be further delayed."
Notably, its enhancer and promoter activities are fully retained in reporter assays even upon a completeelimination of its associated eRNA sequences.
The screening follows the passing last month in the United Nations of the historic Irish-sponsored resolution on the completeelimination of nuclear weapons.
Two months of incubation was enough to reach the completeelimination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and 92% elimination of aliphatic hydrocarbons.
Adaptation to non-aquatic life in plants resulted in the almost completeelimination of these organelles, except for gametic transport in some phylogenetic groups.
Reduction, but not completeelimination, of CPV disease in large breeding kennels occurred within 1-2 months of instituting an A-CPV vaccination program.