Cue for a more comprehensiveexamination of the subject in future?
Around that fulcrum the documentary bends a comprehensiveexamination of the challenges that accompany commemoration.
We review the diagnostic approach to CMTC and present a comprehensiveexamination of its ocular manifestations.
Perhaps the most comprehensiveexamination of this contemporary manifestation is being published in a traditional print format this week.
A decision tree analysis aides in the practical, evidence-based, comprehensiveexamination diagnostic accuracy post-testing based on the ordinal scale pretest probability.
Grief took one hasty, comprehensiveexamination of the engine and the fittings of the tiny room, then blew out the oil-lamp.
We passed through Alfred Inglethorp's room, and Poirot delayed long enough to make a brief but fairly comprehensiveexamination of it.
However, further comprehensiveexamination of these regions may be necessary to fine map and elucidate for possible genetic differences between these two populations.
The first report of the Expert Group on Future Skills Needs provides the most comprehensiveexamination of the high skills shortage to date.
Even so, researchers said the Reuters investigation represents the most comprehensiveexamination of the perils facing drug-dependent newborns after they are sent home.
The proposed study represents the first large, well-controlled, comprehensiveexamination of the effects of a mind-body program on older adults with chronic pain.
Tillerson said there would be a " comprehensiveexamination" of how the State Department's programs are executed and how the department is structured.
Delighted that the WHA Assembly has passed by consensus the Motion calling for an impartial, independent & comprehensiveexamination of the global response to COVID-19.
We do not wish to enter into a comprehensiveexamination of the legal aspect of the first use of cloud and shell gas by Germany.
Background: Competing theories attempt to explain changes in total energy (TE) intake; however, a rigorous, comprehensiveexamination of these explanations has not been undertaken.
Material and methods: A comprehensiveexamination involving 18F-FDG and 11C-methionine PET was made in 116 patients with solitary lung masses of various genesis.