Ainda não temos significados para "confirm by".
1Then from nature, to confirm by practice the rules he has learnt.
2Collins asked for Facebook to confirm by 7 November whether Zuckerberg would attend.
3Kenrick said a new business structure would be confirmed by early July.
4The news has been confirmed by local police sources on Friday morning.
5They said their position had been confirmed by Mr Haughey's medical advisers.
6Her new status has yet to be confirmed by Guinness World Records.
7Pompeo stands a good chance of being confirmed by the Republican-controlled Senate.
8The concept is also confirmed by a mask-less e-beam direct writing process.
9Directionally similar changes were confirmed by Western blot analysis of respective proteins.
10Up to 450 new job losses were confirmed by two firms tonight.
11The story, originally reported by Bloomberg, was confirmed by Geneva trade officials.
12The diagnosis is often suspected clinically and usually confirmed by barium meal.
13Our request to meet the Chief Executive was immediately confirmed by letter.
14The meeting was confirmed by a spokesman from the Taoiseach's office today.
15The identification was confirmed by specific phenotypical tests and by chromatographic methods.
16These suspicions have been confirmed by the Quarterly National Accounts, released yesterday.
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Confirm by nas variantes da língua