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Significados de congratulatory addresses em inglês
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Uso de congratulatory addresses em inglês
His friends in Liverpool, and the Greenwich Liberal Association presented him with congratulatoryaddresses.
The train stopped again at Boston and reception of congratulatoryaddresses on the Exhibition.
The sermon and the congratulatoryaddresses it provoked were published by the society and industriously circulated.
They may take the form of congratulatoryaddresses, of toasts and responses, or more formal addresses.
The next day was devoted to speech-making; various deputations waiting upon the new Duke of Brabant with congratulatoryaddresses.
The city of London, the universities, and many other corporations of the kingdom, presented congratulatoryaddresses to his majesty.
On Thursday, deputations from the Frenchmen resident in the city, and from the gentlemen of the Bar, waited on him, and presented congratulatoryaddresses.
A large number of congratulatoryaddresses, letters, and telegrams complimenting him on the completion of his fifty years of parliamentary service were received by him.