All were short wars, all resulted in victory for Prussia and consequentincrease in territory.
There is, therefore, much handling of the cloth, with the consequentincrease of time and therefore expense.
Mr Bentley gave me a little more responsibility and a consequentincrease in salary as time went on.
A good fiscal stimulus should be temporary, so that any consequentincrease in the deficit comes to an end.
Another of the alleged causes for the poverty of the country, and the consequentincrease of potato culture, was absenteeism.
As a condiment, Garlic undoubtedly aids digestion by stimulating the circulation, with a consequentincrease of saliva and gastric juice.
The growth of the country and the consequentincrease of the civil list have magnified this function of the Executive disproportionally.
Here every additional lamp added to the circuit means an increase in resistance, and consequentincrease in electromotive force or potential.
This approach reduces the impact of antigenic competition with a consequentincrease in the antigenic repertoire and frequency of virus-specific T cells.
A temporary loss of Queensbury's political sway in Scotland was the result, and a consequentincrease of power to the Squadrone Volante.
It is characterized by low bone mass and the microarchitectural deterioration of bone tissue with a consequentincrease in susceptibility to fracture.
With the increasing irradiation dose, a decrease in cell viability was observed, with a consequentincrease in cell death by initial apoptosis.
We propose that partial loss of ferroportin function leads to an imbalance in iron distribution and a consequentincrease in tissue iron accumulation.
But the consequentincrease of the sovereign's power was not, as is often the case, injurious to the liberties or happiness of the people.
Manufactory after manufactory came into existence, and with each there was an influx of population and a consequentincrease in all departments of trade.
In fact the increased gastric volume could cause a change in the sense of satiety with a consequentincrease in the intake of these subjects.