They drank, clinking glasses in continentalfashion, and the host shook hands and departed.
The room was decorated in the gaudy continentalfashion, and the warm sunlight was shining in joyously.
I had no choice in the matter; the affair was prearranged by our parents, after the continentalfashion.
Cafés had put out tables and chairs on the pavements in the continentalfashion and people sat in the sunshine drinking beer.
Adam remained at Hanover Lodge for lunch, a meal which his hostess called breakfast, and which was served in the continentalfashion, every dish separate.
They were good rooms, perhaps with an excess of gilt and glass after the continentalfashion, but they were comfortable, and John said to Julie:
Coffee and milk we have, in the Continentalfashion, and some excellent rolls and butter.
Pausing a little ways within the room, the fellow clicked heels and bowed punctiliously in Continentalfashion, from the hips.
"The Continentalfashions were extremely picturesque," said Mrs. Jasper.
Having made you sup on horror a la Bretonne, or Continentalfashion, I am now to give you a savoury from England.