Ainda não temos significados para "conventual life".
1From that point of view conventual life might be bad for him.
2You, you know, dear Alice, are promised to a conventual life.
3He was not called by God to conventual life; .
4She has no vocation for the conventual life and- Iwasbeginning to become anxious.
5Such ruffling of the peace and quiet of conventual life was, there is reason to believe, not uncommon.
6Considering the date of his birth, 1387, and his conventual life, he was hardly less wonderful than his wonderful epoch.
7The gentle, self-sacrificing conduct of the nuns had destroyed the effect of the prejudicial stories I had heard against conventual life.
8He had devised a plan, primarily inspired by the ardent nature of the Princess Anne and her impatience of the conventual life.
9The Society might not undertake the direction of a community of women, even though these were not leading a thoroughly conventual life.
10Her prodigious reading controlled her passions far more than conventual life would have done; for there the imaginations of young girls run riot.
11But we have not far to seek for the reasons which led Plautilla Nelli and Maria Maddalena de' Pazzi to choose the conventual life.
12Consider well, however, that the mother is now one of the most rigid of Catholics; I learn that she is even thinking of conventual life.
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