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Significados de convinced the world em inglês
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Uso de convinced the world em inglês
And somehow he convincedtheworld that we were in the wrong.
Holomorphs were reality lawyers whose logic convincedtheworld to bend.
Mr. Churchill has not convincedtheworld of this possession.
They have long ago convincedtheworld-onsurmise and without trustworthy evidence-thatShallow IS Sir Thomas.
Another was about a kid navigating life during the Cuban missile crisis, convincedtheworld was ending.
The exploits of Theodoric soon convincedtheworld that he had not degenerated from the warlike virtues of his ancestors.
Self-aggrandizing blowhards and undergraduate creative writing workshops have convincedtheworld that penning a novel is slow, painstaking, life-consuming work.
And in so doing, they convincedtheworld that our pioneers didn't deserve equal recognition, equal exposure or equal ownership.
Yet the liberty of the Netherlands was acknowledged in terms which convincedtheworld that it was thenceforth an established fact.
It was chaos. But if Lehman has lessons to teach, Harvey Miller is not convincedtheworld is ready to learn them.
Global fund managers polled by Reuters are convincedtheworld economy is already in recession, similar to economists' assessments in another Reuters poll.
Mike Pasqualetti, senior sustainability scientist at Arizona State University's School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning, isn't convincedtheworld needs this technology.
Madeleine is convincedtheworld is coming to an abrupt end, sooner rather than later, and so she's decided to prepare for it.
And those who are convincedtheworld around them is a highly dangerous and unpredictable place have more than a heightened sense of insecurity.
It was those scenes of perfunctory extermination which finally convincedtheworld that the possessed had somehow penetrated the titanic defences of the Halo.
On one hand, that feels like success for Microsoft: The company convincedtheworld to make laptops in accordance with its new vision for computing.