100 Kopecks equal 1 ruble in Russia.
1Give me a twenty-copeck piece, somebody! And Hippolyte leapt from his chair.
2And so Marko the Rich never paid the copeck after all.
3The money he earns he sends home all to a copeck.
4As for money, I have hardly a copeck about me at this moment.
5A few beggars circulated in the crowd and gathered here and there a copeck.
6He drank two glasses of tea with milk, and a whole five-copeck roll of bread.
7Well next day the poor man went to the rich man's to get his copeck.
8I sent Kirka for the newspaper, I gave him a twenty copeck piece for a tip.
9Not a single copeck have I at home.
10A copeck is the hundredth part of a rouble, or about half a cent of our money.
11I won't keep back a single copeck.
12Two book for the children-70copeck.
13Harkye, neighbor, lend me a copeck.
14Raskolnikov joined two or three listeners, took out a five copeck piece and put it in the girl's hand.
15I purchased a number of blessings, as each beggar made the sign of the cross over me on receiving a copeck.
16Several poorly dressed peasants gave her each a copeck or two, and both giver and receiver made the sign of the cross.