The hard cylindrical core that bears the kernels of an ear of corn.
Examples for "corncob"
Examples for "corncob"
1Poke Stover puffed away thoughtfully at the corncob pipe he was smoking.
2I remember corncob pipe you give me, and what I tell you.
3Roger got out his corncob pipe, and I sat close to him.
4The Colonel, who had always detested pipes, learned to smoke a corncob.
5It was a forgotten corncob pipe of the Professor's, blackened and sooty.
1A corn cob was the determining factor at this crisis.
2They made red corn cob molasses; it was good.
3They burnt them and made corn cob soda to use in the bread and cakes.
4The half corn cob was a particularly vicious missile.
5I want to raise corn and not corn cob.
6He drew a new corn cob from his pocket and cramming it with tobacco, lit it.
7Once in a while the farmer would take a corn cob and scratch the back of Mr. or Mrs.
8Kim was pictured in Friday's Rodong Sinmun newspaper holding a corn cob as he discussed the situation with officials.
9He heard something moving in it, but did not know whether it was anything more than the corn cob.
10That war thirst-mythroat war as dry as a corn cob, and whar was the water to come from.
11The fibrinolytic enzyme from P. eryngii cultivated under solid-state conditions using corn cob could be potentially exploited in thrombolytic therapy.
12Organiser Wade Bishop of Christchurch said the catalyst for him to take action was seeing an individually plastic wrapped corn cob.
13A farmer holds a corn cob in Otzolotepec, on the outskirts of Mexico City, February 7, 2017.
14The New Yorker, July 15, 1996 P. 59 SKETCHBOOK of a young boy eating a huge corn cob.
15He then noticed that she had a cargo of stone jugs filled with "Arkansaw lightning," held in with corn cob stoppers.
16After which the judge's manner would change instantly and he would relight his corn cob pipe and sit and positively beam with contentment.
Translations for corn cob