Our study indicates that spatial climate covariation drives the global carbon cycle response.
Or does the University of Johannesburg give doctorates to those who don't understand covariation?
Across tissues, expression covariation between genes' proteins and transcripts-measured in the same individuals-broadly aligned.
Background: Short and long range correlations in biological sequences are central in genomic studies of covariation.
Further, their high sequence conservation has hindered the prediction of allosteric networks using mathematical covariation approaches.
The inconsistency of trait covariation among and within species prevented establishing major resource use strategies in lichens.
Environmental influences on MD and PTSD explain less of their covariation and appear to be largely disorder-specific.
Here we introduce a method to measure covariation of the excitatory and inhibitory inputs a cell receives.
In interaction with an indicator of fluid intelligence, this covariation was related to an indicator of crystallized intelligence.
Accordingly, the substantial covariation between alcohol dependence symptoms and those of CD was attributed entirely to shared environmental effects.
In joint-independent component analyses, we assessed the patterns of covariation between longitudinal change in GM volume and glucose metabolism.
The circadian fluctuations of s-TK and CA 125 did not show a regular circadian pattern nor any temporal covariation.
Thus, covariation of excitatory and inhibitory inputs can be a critical determinant of the reliability of neural coding and computation.
Characterizing functional trait variation and covariation, and its drivers, is critical to understand the response of species to changing environmental conditions.
Amino acid covariation, where the identities of amino acids at different sequence positions are correlated, is a hallmark of naturally occurring proteins.
Thus, to robustly unveil lichen responses under different climatic scenarios, it is necessary to incorporate both among and within-species trait variation and covariation.