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Significados de covered with hides em inglês
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Uso de covered with hides em inglês
They built for themselves therefore a curragh or coracle, coveredwithhides three deep.
They had no dishes except baskets and gourd-rinds, and their houses were tent-poles coveredwithhides.
I sat at a table coveredwithhides.
You would see the attacking force advancing a huge wooden tower, coveredwithhides and placed on wheels, towards the walls.
These are round like ovens, and coveredwithhides; by the mouth of each, a tapering chuzo was stuck in the ground.
The new wall was coveredwithhides, raw and dressed, to protect the timber and the workmen from being injured by burning arrows.
There were gallipagos, or tortoises, also being great wooden shields, coveredwithhides, to protect the assailants and those who undermined the walls.
Jondalar and Thonolan watched with interest the assembly of a large structure, circular, with straight walls coveredwithhides, and a domed, thatched roof.