Levet was well-known for creatinglarge-scale disasters when he attempted magic.
There are concerns about creatinglarge databases with the potential for errors in identifying some individuals.
Traditional catalysts have to be neutralized and washed after a reaction, creatinglarge amounts of waste water.
During the earthquakes the walls moved up and down, creatinglarge gaps between the roof and walls.
New York photographer Tom Watson and his business partner, Rob Howard, make a living by creatinglarge-format digital photographs.
The United Nations wanted to avoid creatinglarge camps "which tend to become permanent over time", he said.
The writer of 1710 says: They stopped the current of the sea by creatinglarge dykes, which they called aboideaux.
And if there's one thing the military is really good at, it's creatinglarge, sprawling, impromptu cities out of thin air.
Minimally invasive procedures involve using devices such as catheters to make tiny incisions instead of creatinglarge openings on the body.
Therefore, the transcriptional space of a gene very often invades the space of a neighbouring gene, creatinglarge regions of overlapping transcription.
Researchers are looking at a concept for creatinglarge holograms that could be projected onto a battlefield, according to the New Hampshire.
The unit also helps reduce taxes by creatinglarge interest costs in Germany and the United States and large interest income in Ireland.
The San Francisco artist spends months at a time creatinglarge-scale paintings of Batman, Superman and even a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle here and there.