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Significados de crewed mission em inglês
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Uso de crewed mission em inglês
Ambition: Space station in 2020; crewedmission to the moon.
The pair's two-month voyage was Nasa's first crewedmission from home soil in nine years.
The company's successful launch-abort test in January paved the way for their first crewedmission in May.
An ambitious U.S. space program, including a crewedmission to Mars, would pay economic dividends for generations.
Experts believe the technical challenges are nearly resolved, but political considerations make the future of any crewedmission uncertain.
NASA started scheming about a permanent lunar base and a first crewedmission to Mars by the early '80s.
China launched its first crewedmission in 2003 and the Tiangong-1 module in 2011.
The itch to have a crewedmission to another world is one that afflicts every Administration, regardless of ideology.
Being able to access water sources could also help humans survive on a future crewedmission to Earth's neighbouring planet.
The agency is planning a crewedmission to the moon in 2024, and this time it wants to stick around.
The implications for any further design and testing requirements before Starliner is approved for its first crewedmission also remained unclear.
Under this act, NASA was to plan a crewedmission to Mars and design a space station to take astronauts there.
NASA said it and SpaceX had been "reevaluating target test dates" for the crewedmission -previously scheduled for July.
Starship's first crewedmission planned for 2023 The first version, Starhopper, was retired last month after completing its second and final untethered flight.
The space agency decided to go ahead with the crewedmission in May, despite the novel coronavirus being declared a pandemic back in January.
On November 10th, 1968, the agency decided to move forward with a crewedmission around the moon and back.