Ainda não temos significados para "crossed against".
1To his right, Soren Shieldbreaker sat with his arms crossed against his chest.
2Phillip leaned against the wall, his arms crossed against his chest.
3Crossing K Street, narrowly avoiding being hit as she crossed against the light.
4The men stood facing my direction, both with their arms crossed against their chests.
5Was it Marcus, who stood so grimly with his muscular arms crossed against his chest?
6Nailed to a cross! She went outside the tent, arms crossed against the cold night air.
7Her arms were crossed against her chest.
8The pilot-house was empty, but Harvey, the negro engineer, leaned, elbows crossed against the sill of his little square door, smoking his pipe.
9Beneath it the woman lay, slim as a sword, hands crossed against her breast, her pale, cropped hair fanning out into ice crystals around her.
10"Oh." It is then I catch sight of Mrs. Cotillo staring out at us, arms crossed against her chest.
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