Examples for "crow"
Examples for "crow"
1She'll crow for days about the fact that I finally needed it.
2Male and female house crow look alike, although males are slightly larger.
3Fifteen miles as the crow flies is the usual limit of vision.
4He had half the crow and hawk nests in the swamp located.
5Off in the checkered shadows of the forest a crow cawed derisively.
1It's a short-billed snipe, a corvus, a real corvus.
2I shot that bird to-day, I'll confess now, Frau Barbara; my corvus is a wretched crow.
3It's a corvus, as I said.
4To the inexpert they look like crows or rooks but they are not classed as a corvus in the books.
5Joseph Feilds brought me today three eggs of the party coloured corvus, they are about the size and shape of those of the pigeon.
1Then there are the birds in the fields-thelarks and the crows.
2Outside in the garden the crows and squirrels were awake, and talkative.
3How the red squirrel tittered, hating both the owl and the crows.
4By the shores of the islands the crows came down for mussels.
5But he kept hearing the crows, cawing and quarreling not far away.
1This family, which is well represented in the Himalayas, includes the true crows, with their allies, the choughs, pies, jays, and tits.
1Yet these dark crows and ravens are a sign of God's anger.
2They did not flock in great numbers like crows and ravens.
3And she called his uneasiness about crows and ravens superstition!
4Those dismal attendants of any battle, the crows and ravens, had arrived in their hundreds.
5Even clever crows and ravens are at least vertebrates.
6You can download a free kit from the Lab of O that teaches you how to distinguish crows and ravens.
7This short video, by the Cornell Lab of O, discusses the differences between and potential meanings of the sounds made by crows and ravens.
8They had been surprised by countless numbers of crows and ravens which invaded the valley and filled the air with their hoarse, discordant cries.
9Seagulls and crows and ravens picked over the piles of neatly organized piles of garbage as I walked towards the rear of the yard.
10There were many crows and ravens among the trees above where they had stood, and a great osprey wheeled over our heads as we looked.
11Crows and ravens are a whole different circumstance.
Translations for crows and ravens