The poll also predicted no change to the currentbenchmark deposit rate.
The currentbenchmark is 3 percent for one-year deposits.
Another key Indonesian miner said the currentbenchmark London Metal Exchange price was below its cost of production.
The move comes as Euribor, the currentbenchmark used when fixing interbank euro loans, faces pressure to change.
That is far below the currentbenchmark price for American crude oil CLc1, boosting the economics of the deal.
But it was still an estimated 0.3 degrees warmer than the currentbenchmark, the 1961-90 average.
The developed automatic segmentation strategy surpasses currentbenchmark levels and offers a promising tool for SRS treatment planning for multiple brain metastases.
He will say: It's important to note that even achieving the currentbenchmark at the end of primary school is no guarantee of success.
Investable Market Index, which represents 99% of world equities, including China-listed stocks, from its currentbenchmark which excludes Canada and emerging markets.
BHP has stood alone in pursuing the demise of currentbenchmark pricing, saying a continually adjusted price for iron ore better reflects market fundamentals.
They say the FRTIB can stick with its currentbenchmark, but the Board contends that would not meet the requirements of the senators' legislation, either.
The spread between the currentbenchmark 10-year note yield US10YT=RR and the 10-year note issued two months prior is 0.26 basis points.
Everton cut the deficit to 2-1 for a while but their real consolation is knowing that sides of Liverpool's calibre are not their currentbenchmark.
Platts' currentbenchmarks require sellers to declare upfront if they are planning to load the cargoes from Malaysia or Singapore storage facilities.