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Significados de current storm em inglês
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Uso de current storm em inglês
Executives say it has enough capital and cash to weather the currentstorm.
Even when the currentstorm abates, PE will be a smaller, humbler industry.
However, it insists that it will weather the currentstorm in continue to operate.
Instead, Beijing should view the currentstorm as a chance to regain its monetary freedom.
That would mean lower economic growth than would otherwise be the case, even once the currentstorm has passed.
So the currentstorm over journalists accused of obtaining favours from the current BJP-run dispensation comes as no surprise.
Mr Blatter said: I am being held accountable for the currentstorm - so be it, I will shoulder the responsibility.
Enterprise spokesman Willie Penrose said a plan of action was needed that would enable companies to ride out the currentstorm.
He has warned about the danger of further cyclone damage before the currentstorm season ends, saying people in at-risk areas must be prepared.
Even before the currentstorm, institutional investors, which account for the bulk of the industry's funding, had pared investments in loans from marketplace lenders.
He said there was evidence of more extreme weather events and no sign that the currentstorms and rain were going to abate.
A decade and a half of good growth has put him and his leadership team in a strong position to brave the currentstorms.