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Significados de cutting the ribbon em inglês
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Uso de cutting the ribbon em inglês
The Taoiseach's fondness for cuttingtheribbon on construction projects is well known.
At her Museum there's a photograph of Jeanette cuttingtheribbon at the bridge opening.
A photo shows him cuttingtheribbon at a ceremony dedicating a new trailhead for the PCT at Walker Pass, California.
The rapper, whose real name is Jonathan Smith, had the honor of cuttingtheribbon at the school's grand opening ceremony last week.
Here, on October 15th, was Baker, cuttingtheribbon at the James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy, at Houston's Rice University.
The opening ceremony was covered by local media who photographed the Broxbourne MP, Charles Walker, cuttingtheribbon and the business began to take off.
"I said I prefer to forget." Suddenly, she smiles, cuttingtheribbon between this conversation and whatever comes next.