A male monarch or emperor (especially of Russia prior to 1917)
1Among Obama's czars, Holdren wasn't alone way out on the far left.
2The valuable princes, the desirable princes, are the czars and their sort.
3The ancient city of the czars seemed a body without a soul.
4In the end, it appears, the Commission's energy czars cut the debate short.
5We would prefer to look like czars and be servants.
6The common school house in the land of the czars!
7Obama wasn't the first president to appoint "czars" answerable only to himself.
8He had taken the blood of kings, czars, and pharaohs.
9Did the government information czars cover up any news?
10The presidents have had czars for a long time.
11Anne was a true daughter of the czars.
12It was once a favorite resort of the czars, and they had their vacation palaces here.
13Successive US drug czars put a brave face on the results but Washington's patience has frayed.
14But we really don't even know who these czars are because they don't answer to the Congress.
15Actor Charlie Cox was there, flanked by Netflix's social media czars, firing tweets from his character's account.
16The strangers were at length banished, and a real Russian sat upon the throne of the czars!