Ainda não temos significados para "deadwater".
1We thanked heaven for stretches of deadwater between these rapids.
2We'll fix it up and paddle up this confounded deadwater!
3Above the dam were six long miles of deadwater, with frightful tangled marsh on each side.
4The logs were down the deadwater to a point where the supremacy at Skulltree dam must be settled.
5He cursed them with the vigor of a master of galley slaves when the bateau was frothing along the deadwater.
6The flowage vastly increased the extent of the deadwater, slowing the logs of the independents, whose towage methods were crude.
7Out on the deadwater were several floating platforms; the men called them "headworks." On the platforms were capstans.
8The swift water was almost passed when we embarked again and ran down the last slope into a long deadwater.
9From her bowlder she could see a broad and calm stretch-a deadwater of which she did not know the name.
10The slow drag of the logs in the deadwater gave her time for pondering and she was afraid of her thoughts.
11Come nightfall we were still far from the end of the deadwater, so there was nothing for it but to camp.
12The river, slowed by the deadwater, was mute, though its foam streaks showed where it had crashed through the gorges above.
13It was that or carry you back to Deadwater a crazy man.
14But he knew Hervey Garstaing better than most people at Deadwater.
15He reckons he knows Deadwater, and can get through quick.
16Julyman had missed the latter in his absorbed interest in the return of these folk from Deadwater.
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