Ainda não temos significados para "decreased to levels".
1By the 3-month follow-up, vigor increased, and intrusion decreased to levels commensurate with the controls.
2Following three weeks of voluntary wheel running, IL-1beta and TNF-alpha decreased to levels indistinguishable from WT.
3At embryonic day 18.5, GSK3β activity decreased to levels close to that of wild type.
4On day 7 of HFD, TNFa expression in microglia decreased to levels comparable to the chow group while that in astrocytes remained unchanged.
5Yet since 2000 investment has decreased to levels not seen since the Great Depression; all the while profitability has hit and exceeded all-time peaks.
6By 6 months after vaccination the GMCs of Men antibodies had decreased to levels of about 50% of those measured at 1 month after vaccination.
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