Their heads are bent together, Chloe's dark hair falling against Sally's deepauburn.
It accented her deepauburn hair and her peachy complexion.
She was tall, at least as tall as Justin, and her skin was deepauburn red.
She threaded her arm through Kit's, a girl with deepauburn hair that cascaded down her back.
Shadows moved across his handsome features, dulling his somber green gaze behind a spray of deepauburn hair.
When she removed it to join in the raceme quadrille, the torchlight caught the deepauburn tints of her hair.
Her hair is the deepauburn of his childhood, shining, curled and brushed away from her heart-shaped face, revealing her widow's peak.
But some held that the correct red should be deepauburn, and others that wheaten colour was the tone to be aimed at.
On the contrary his mustaches were singularly long and luxuriant, they, and the short, smart goatee, being of a peculiar deepauburn shade.
His horse was so spectacularly muscled and well groomed that its deepauburn paint shimmered in the sunlight and caused Bertolli to squint.
Thick curls of deepauburn (the most common colour for the locks of the Norman) wreathed in careless disorder round Taillefer's massive unwrinkled brow.
Deepauburn hair streaked with black, cut into a long, angled bob that framed a delicate face with a snub nose.