Electric refrigerator (trade name Deepfreeze) in which food is frozen and stored for long periods of time.
Examples for "freezer"
Examples for "freezer"
1Went right into the freezer, I'm guessing, or home with the help.
2If needed, place in the freezer for 5 minutes to firm up.
3She found lasagna in the freezer, which she reheated in the microwave.
4Solve the dilemma of freezer mystery food by following these simple tips:
5The builders have moved on to the vexing problem of my freezer.
1"Put them in with the dogmeat in the deepfreeze at the filling-station."
2The only difference is that a bit of your scar tissue, which some wiseacre had placed in the deepfreeze will be taken out and incubated.
1My deep freezer was in my living room, she said, her voice breaking.
2Tiede then stashed Nugent's body in a deep freezer, where it remained until its discovery by authorities nine months later.
3It's hard to depict communism as having been something like a deep freezer, that preserved long, outdated ways, of life.
4Dubliner Ronan O'Toole spent five weeks in the Earth's deep freezer in the company of penguins, seals and a handful of humans.
5Tiede hid Nugent's body in a deep freezer at her Carthage home, where it remained until it was discovered by authorities nine months later.
1It's as if the beasts were given some deep-freeze treatment instantaneously.
2Young people live out what should be their most exciting years in purgatorial deep-freeze.
3The Mumbai attack pitched relations into a diplomatic deep-freeze.
4These shadowy spots look out into deep space and are locked in a permanent deep-freeze.
5Every employer could be required to maintain a deep-freeze.
6You've put him into a sort of moral deep-freeze.
7Maybe Brian's hammer will emerge much the better for having been subjected to the deep-freeze treatment.
8If there had been any males in the place they were probably in her deep-freeze right now.
9But for someone to use a deep-freeze to try to do either of those things intentionally seems absurd.
10They preach resurrection, wear high-tech cyber-suits, and deep-freeze the corpses of loved ones they hope to meet again.
11Next he investigated the deep-freeze units, and found fresh meat, frozen vegetables, ice-cream, and even materials for a green salad.
13In the deep-freeze units the fresh meat, and butter, and heads of lettuce soon relapsed into mere smelling masses of corruption.
14All that very-deep-freeze natural gas, estimated to at least equal all known conventional gas and oil reserves, is both enticing and frightening.
15You know when you're entirely greasy with sweat even though you're in a deep-freeze that you may have taken things too far.
16He said-and he appeared to know what he was talking about-that dehydrated food in enormous quantities is stored in a huge deep-freeze.
Translations for deep-freeze