To excrete feces from one's body through the anus.
Examples for "make"
Examples for "make"
1However, he said helping people to make good choices remains a challenge.
2Meanwhile Brexit had brought home to Europe the need to make changes.
3Mrs Spelman said: We need to make the new CAP fundamentally different.
4Clear and agreed policies help a funding organisation make objective, rational decisions.
5Photo: RNZ However he said his source might make the material public.
1Explosion hazard.' But then here's 'Low air,' and 'five'... shit, 'four minutes.'
2Our official diplomatic response was summed up as-problemtoo hard, tough shit.
3Of course, she wanted to point out what a shit I was.
4Yes, I feel sorry for the victims on whom the shit falls.
5Despite the best precautions and the best intentions, sometimes shit just happens.
1Treatment with nitazoxanide did not prevent weight loss or parasite stool shedding.
2No significant differences in weight gain or stool SCFA content were detected.
3Edmond set down my stool and gave me a drink of water.
4There was a set list on the small table by Abby's stool.
5Clinically, children affected by FNRFI have normal intestinal movements and stool consistency.
1However much extra crap came from the VWs, it won't be good.
2Forget that crap about an accident looking for a place to happen.
3He's been so good to me, despite the crap way I've behaved.
4If this was the crap on offer, I got a good deal.
5This year climbers on Denali will have to carry even more crap-literally
1Every time we defecate, we're introducing billions of bacteria into the environment.
2They may urinate or defecate, sometimes they'll freeze, they'll just become motionless.
3People, you don't always have to defecate on common decency to get attention.
4Wyrmen defecate their contempt on the enemy as they let their missiles go.
5With no toilets, they are forced to defecate in the street.
1"Fortunately we have Ca-Ca-Ca-balluco there," said the canon's niece.
1A man can't even take a crap in this house .
2Kostya stood and announced that he had to take a crap.
3No more than you'd go take a crap on Morgie Mitchell's father's grave.
4I can't sleep, I can't take a crap, and I don't feel You, Lord.
5I don't care if you have to take a crap.
1First thing it did was take a shit in the dining room.
2Al-Faran does not take a shit without ISI telling them where to drop it.
3These new men think we of the old guard can't take a shit without their help.'
5He was going to ask him, When you take a shit, do you ask Rhonda if it's okay to wipe your ass?