Examples for "defenceless"
Examples for "defenceless"
1The whole point of terrorism is to attack the innocent and defenceless.
2The bird in the wood is not more defenceless than that child.
3He had felt himself defenceless; the vision musters armies for his safety.
4And for the first time in my life I felt defenceless, helpless.
5The watchful breeze seized the opportunity, and charged through the defenceless passage.
1The moment she touched him, her own aura disappeared, leaving her defenseless.
2It has no armor; it is entirely defenseless, not unlike a deer.
3America would be defenseless against Castro's hordes, he said with a wink.
4Images from the Catacombs rolled past like tanks toward a defenseless village.
5You lie; you took those who were defenseless, and had no weapons.
1He passed the Yeshiva, another defencelessly open building.
2He received them defencelessly right over his bare head, with both his hands engaged in holding.
3And there was one who, delicately and unmistakably and defencelessly, showed me that I was not indifferent to her.
4What, sir, is not he who throws himself defencelessly into the very middle of the ranks of the enemy, the hero of the combat?
5"Yes'm," said Dagmar defencelessly.
1They go unprepared, unarmed, and unasked whether they want to be defended, defenselessly or not.
Translations for defenselessly