SI unit of Celsius temperature.
1The average global temperature last year was one degree celsius above pre-industrial levels.
2Furthermore, the weather reports from Moscow register temperatures currently ranging between seven degrees and minus one degree celsius.
3The thermometer says minus 15 degrees Celsius, but it feels far lower.
4Normal human body temperature is generally accepted to be 37 degrees Celsius.
5Place in a pre-heated oven for six minutes at 170 degrees Celsius.
6June, July and August averaged two degrees Celsius above normal almost everywhere.
7The bureau is forecasting 54 degrees Celsius in central Australia next Monday.
8Hawarden in Wales recorded a temperature of more than 20 degrees Celsius.
9The temperature was expected to climb to a balmy 2 degrees Celsius.
10Daytime temperatures are quite steady throughout the year, at around 30 degrees Celsius.
11Pretorians can expect a clear evening with temperates dropping to 16 degrees Celsius.
12Oppressive conditions continued on day two with the temperature reaching 40 degrees Celsius.
13A digital thermometer on the far wall read nineteen degrees Celsius.
14Whenever you boil water you're pushing that liquid to 100 degrees Celsius, tops.
15It had been thirty degrees Celsius at home when she left.
16Chlorine becomes more corrosive as the water temperature goes above 65 degrees Celsius.
Translations for degree celsius