Across the country, people are seizing this opportunity, particularly in states hit hardest by deindustrialization.
Many of these are Rustbelt metros with large minority populations that have been hit hard by deindustrialization.
The Center for Middletown Studies-atBall State University-hascontinued the work, compiling oral histories and, in recent years, focused on the devastation of deindustrialization.
Ohio's Cuyahoga and Summit counties, which have suffered decades of deindustrialization and are the plaintiffs in next week's trial, have been willing to negotiate.
In addition a long-running deindustrialization in developed economies mean there is simply a smaller base of manufacturers to take up the offer of cheap loans.
But the impact of deindustrialization-includingthe exodus of over 10,000 factory jobs since 1970 in a city of only 70,000 people-isvisible almost everywhere.