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Significados de detailed exploration em inglês
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Uso de detailed exploration em inglês
In particular, infectiousness over the course of an infection requires more detailedexploration.
This is the first detailedexploration of the kitchen as a functioning hub within the New Zealand home.
Taken together, our pilot study provides a solid platform for a more detailedexploration of the embryonic proteome.
The last of the coast towns in this region is one of the best centres in south-east Devon for a detailedexploration of the countryside.
He said it would distract him from politics, said Alberto Tavira, author of The Women of Peña Nieto, a detailedexploration of his private life.
Here, we present the most detailedexploration, to date, of genetic diversity in 94 unrelated southeastern Bantu-speaking South Africans, resident in urban Soweto (Johannesburg).
"So you favor dedicating this entire second sortie to mapping, including or perhaps even featuring a detailedexploration of New York?" asked O'Toole.