Ainda não temos significados para "devour passion".
1Not with the same kind of devouring passion that he'd experienced with Kate.
2Such is man when he has become the prey of a devouring passion.
3With one devouring passion he set the world at defiance.
4I told her all the conflict of my soul; my devouring passion, my bitter self-upbraiding.
5It became a fixed idea, a devouring passion.
6To his devouring passion she opposed the invincible defence of a virtue conscious of its danger.
7Jealousy is a devouring passion, especially among nobles.
8What devouring passions had darkened that bulbous countenance, which would have seemed outrageous as a caricature?
9Down there he was waiting for her, waiting to be intoxicated into headlong, devouring passion by her dancing.
10She still had self-control when it was necessary to have it in the furtherance of the one devouring passion.
11It was fast getting to be a consuming, craving, devouring passion, subjecting my very soul to its dreadful tyranny.
12Truly there is nothing in common between the all- devouring passion which consumes me, and-suchlove-vows as you have spoken of.
13You think there is enough of your little hearts to feed this fierce, devouring passion for all your long lives.
14We all know what the war fever is in our young men,-whata devouring passion it becomes in those whom it assails.
15"These forget-me-nots," he said, "are from someone what loves you with a most devouring passion."
16"Upon my life I don't know," answered Ludovico, "unless it's a devouring passion for Leandro.