(British informal) faulty.
Examples for "dicky"
Examples for "dicky"
1Things have been pretty dicky out in South Africa lately, you know.
2He is black, with a white dicky and beautiful white paws.
3His dicky leg was aching like a bastard; another bad sign.
4That was why suspicion grew the more in the mind of Dicky.
5Dicky heard a soft footstep in the companionway, then before the door.
1Three outside places were vacant; one behind the coachman; two on the dickey.
2One of them seated in the dickey looked down at me.
3They come running like dickey birds looking for bugs on a hippo's back.
4It was a landaulet, with a servant mounted on the dickey.
5Shure, the man who put that sthory on the dickey-back knew his business.
6He pulled aside his waistcoat and she saw he was wearing a dickey.
7Every one was wearing a dirty cotton shirt and a dickey.
8No dickey ticker was going to take that away from him.
9The carriage is at the door: the maid and valet are in the dickey.
10To purchasing bran-new paper shirt collar or dickey, to set off gray Petersham, 2
11Upon my word of honor, this was not an unreasonable price for that dickey.
12I will get out a blameless dickey,-ifsuch there be.
13Then came a little white cotton dickey, with a high standing collar and then--
14The countryman in the dickey was no other than the Bow Street runner in disguise.
15His waitress, after casting an interesting glance at his royal purple dickey, said, Good morning!
16Why go gunning for a dickey bird when you can tie up to an eagle?