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Significados de dimensional nmr em inglês
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Uso de dimensional nmr em inglês
This allows one to very rapidly obtain high- dimensionalNMR spectral information.
The chemical structures of these components were established on the basis of one- and two- dimensionalNMR and high-resolution mass spectroscopic analyses.
The conformation of the Ala-based lactam peptide was further characterized by two- dimensionalNMR spectroscopy and was found to be highly helical.
A synthetic peptide antigen corresponding to the C-terminus of Pseudomonas aeruginosa K strain pilin has been studied by one and two- dimensionalNMR techniques.
NOESY cross-peaks of protons of side chains from two- dimensionalNMR were converted into distances which were used as restraints for modelling with DG-SA and MD.
Here we describe the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) solution structure of kurtoxin determined using two- and three- dimensionalNMR spectroscopy with dynamical simulated annealing calculations.
The 1H NMR spectrum of the mouse epidermal growth factor (53 residues) was analyzed with the use of two- dimensionalNMR techniques.