Ainda não temos significados para "discovereth".
1Which also discovereth their intent and purpose to be rather destructive than corrective.
2This discovereth the noble advantage of such as have accepted of Christ for their life.
3It is love, not baptism, that discovereth us to the world to be Christ's disciples.
4Undoubtedly, the wise physician discovereth the needs of the patient at every season and prescribeth medicine.
5He discovereth deep things out of darkness, and bringeth up to light the shadow of death.
6Look unto them if God discovereth them; yet then but so as means of God's appointing.
7The first is physiognomy, which discovereth the disposition of the mind by the lineaments of the body.
8Well, if you please, propound another sign how this work of grace discovereth itself where it is.
9A work of grace in the soul discovereth itself, either to him that hath it, or to standers by.
10And if he do good, he doth it ignorantly, and unwillingly: and at the last he discovereth his wickedness.
11But this is one thing in which it discovereth its spirituality, and this is the proper work of the Law.
12He discovereth the depe & secret things: he knoweth what is in the darkenes, and the light dwelleth with him.
13He discovereth himself to be a ready help in time of trouble, and the hope and anchor of salvation, Heb.
14And dignity bestowed upon wicked men doth not only not make them worthy but rather bewrayeth and discovereth their unworthiness.
15The second is the exposition of natural dreams, which discovereth the state of the body by the imaginations of the mind.
16There are many evidences as to the blundering of the sight; but the insight apprehendeth the reality and discovereth the mysteries.
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