Disease characterized by abnormally rapid cell division.
Examples for "neoplasm"
Examples for "neoplasm"
1Background: Angioleiomyoma of the nasal cavity is an extremely rare benign neoplasm.
2The neoplasm subsequently metastasized and required additional VP-16 and carboplatin for control.
3Schwannoma originating from the cervical vagus nerve is an extremely rare neoplasm.
4Squamous cell carcinoma is the most common malignant neoplasm of the larynx.
5Carcinosarcoma is a malignant neoplasm that contains elements of carcinoma and sarcoma.
1Benign hepatic tumors include a broad spectrum of regenerative and true neoplastic processes.
2We explore genetic and molecular rationales for an association between these metabolic and neoplastic processes.
3All patients with a presumed pelvic abscess had CA-125 levels in the range for neoplastic processes.
4HMMR is also associated with neoplastic processes and its role in cancer progression is often attributed to hyaluronan-mediated signaling.
5Sexual hormones play an important role in expression of genes involved in a wide variety of biological and neoplastic processes.
1Conclusion: Patients with PST without DI are unlikely to have a neoplastic process.
2When persistent, eosinophilia can herald an underlying parasitic infection, drug reaction or less commonly, a neoplastic process.
3Inflammatory pseudotumor of the upper airway is an uncommon lesion of unknown etiology, clinically mimicking a neoplastic process.
4A gouty tophus occasionally mimics an infectious or neoplastic process, and MR imaging may be obtained under these circumstances.
5She underwent an exploratory laparotomy, which suggested a neoplastic process widely involving the extrahepatic and intrahepatic large bile ducts.
Translations for disease of cellular proliferation