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Significados de distort reality em inglês
Ainda não temos significados para "distort reality".
Uso de distort reality em inglês
Paul McGinley must wish he was a magician, able to distortreality.
And they warn that overoptimistic pronouncements of an improving housing market can distortreality.
Those I've met who actually lived through such times say the years between always distortreality.
If you distortreality too much, it will indeed weaken you by making you act in unrealistic ways.
For good measure, Ayckbourn also satirises television's tendency to distortreality and manipulate truth to fit its own agenda.
Its oblate spheroid shape has long vexed cartographers, who must often distortreality to make it fit into a functional, two-dimensional survey.
Beneath its "September 11th" plot is a hard look at how stereotypes based on race, religion, sexuality and nationality diminish society and distortreality.
The story takes place in an intriguing, graffiti-laced, urban Latin landscape of art, design and distortedreality.
Is it yet another story of virility fabricated by a man who has a long history of distortingreality?
It prevented me from distortingreality too much, which as it turns out, I've gotten good at over the years.
Russia's UN ambassador Vitaly Churkin accused Western powers of distortingreality, focusing on the convoy rather than the need of civilians in the region.