A laborer who loads and unloads vessels in a port.
1The government men were hauling a sodden docker from the polluted waters.
2The docker stared at him-washe going to sleep on his feet?
3Deer Janis, you got me the muney for the docker.
4In full work a docker at the old 7d.
5The man who had occupied this hole, one Dan Cullen, docker, was dying in hospital.
6And of course the docker overheard them.
7Montague, on Huxley and the scientific docker.
8He was fifty-four and a broken-down docker.
9Some were fleeing, some standing their ground in defiance, some going to the aid of the fallen docker.
10A docker is a casual labourer.
11His dad was a unionised docker.
12But, apart from the odd symbolic heritage-industry theme-park model of a dock, they will see neither dock nor docker.
13He was a fairly intelligent type of laborer, who obtained a more or less precarious livelihood as a docker.
14Their plans are beyond belief, a docker representative at the International Transport Workers' Federation, Paddy Crumlin, said in a statement.
15A 51-year-old Belfast docker who suffered homophobic abuse has been awarded £45,000 against Stena Line.
16To a docker making twenty shillings a week the difference of two shillings is not merely important, it is vital.